LivShare Housing and Consultancy

Rebecca Stockman

Rebecca Stockman has been involved in the provision of housing for many years having worked leading a large temporary accommodation service in South London for 8 years for a London-based youth and housing charity, and in youth work and supported housing services before that. Rebecca has been part of the founding and leadership of Merton Winter Night Shelter since its inception in 2011. In addition to her involvement with LivShare Rebecca is a board trustee of KeyChange Care.

Rebecca has an MSc in Systems Thinking in Practice and brings skills developed there into the creation of systems for development of housing for people on low income and in housing need. More recently Rebecca has completed an MSc in Real Estate and Property Management. Rebecca has a particular passion for enabling individual and communities to lead the creation and development of services that impact them directly.

Andy Redfearn

Andy Redfearn has over 30 years experience working within the supported housing and registered provider sector in the UK. Previously a director for a London-based housing provider he continues to provide support in a non-executive director position. Earlier, Andy worked for a national housing provider overseeing new housing development across London and the South East.

Andy was the creator of Y:Cube Housing – a ground-breaking approach to delivering a genuinely affordable and aspirational housing product using modern methods of construction. He brings expertise developed in MMC to assist housing providers develop their housing offers locally. Alongside this, he brings skills in strategy review, grant applications and rent revenue models to further support providers in the sector.